Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Picture Frame

Just a pic of Slayer

Friday, September 25, 2009

Robot textures

Might not be my final robot textures, but this is what they are at the time being.

Audio Questions

1. What range of frequencies are detectable to the human ear?
20Hz to 20kHz

2. Define Audio
Audio means of sound or reproduction of sound.

3. Audio production involves what four elements of audio?
production, recording, manipulation, and reproduction

4. List 10 careers in audio and list a local company for six of the career fields
Studio Sound Engineer, Live Sound Engineer, Musician, Music Producer, DJ Radio Technician, Film/Television Sound Recordist, Field Sound Engineer, Audio Editor, Post-Production Audio Creator

5. List three careers that need to have an understanding of audio production concepts
Musician, Sound Engineer, Music Producer
7. What is a waveform
The resulting curve or form of a wave

8. Is sound two dimensional or three dimensional?
Three dimensional

9. How do variations in sound pressure correlate to a waveform diagram?
It works fairly well when thinking about how sound travels from one place to another

12. Define transducer
A device which converts energy from one form to another

13. Define amplifier
A device which takes a signal and increases its power

14. Define signal processor
Devices and software which allow the manipulation of the signal in various ways

Castle Texture

A couple textures i was playing around with.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Castle Project

I have learned many things from 3d Max, its taught me how look to at objects in different ways, made me look at all views instead of what looks the best or what angle looks the best. I have to figure out every angle and every view to make sure something looks good.
My biggest challenge in 3d Max has been messing with the modifiers so i can create different objects and it hasnt worked out for me yet.
If i did my castle model over again i would most likely make it bigger, put a moat around it, make some hills, make it look like i grabbed it out of a europe and stuck it in 3d max.
My research sketch waws helpful in a way that it gave me a general idea of what i wanted tto do with my castle instead of just going in and free-handing it. It also helped me think of new designs so i could make my castle better and more detailed.

Friday, September 4, 2009

My first IMD designs

A simple fence, lots of copying.

These stairs are a copy of the bottom, if you can tell which side is the bottom.

A box, easy

This weight is evil, that is all